Contact Us

Get in touch

Please use the form to send an email or feel free to contact us via fax or phone: 

T: (02) 9000 5635
F: (02) 9185 2849

Please note that our reception is supported between 9am and 3pm Monday – Friday. We endeavour to respond to all enquiries within 48 hours.

Got a question?

Contact Form

Where to find us?

Suite 405, Level 4, 3 Waverley Street Bondi Junction

Take the lift to the fourth floor and walk left and left again out of the lift and through the corridor until you reach everyBody Psychology, Suite 405. The building has a security system and is locked automatically after business hours (usually 6.30pm and after 12pm on Saturdays). If you are unable to access the building, please wait outside and your clinician will come downstairs to let you in at your scheduled appointment time.

Parking and transportation info
If arriving by car, the easiest places to park are in the Eastgate Shopping Centre, located on Spring Street or in the Westfield Shopping Centre at a location close to Coles/Myer. Parking fees are provided below:

  • Eastgate Shopping centre:
    0-1.0 hour = Free
    1-2 hours = $2.60
    3.0 hours = $8.60
  • Westfield Shopping Centre:
    0-2.0 hours = Free
    2.0-2.5 hours = $10.00
  • Members can unlock extended free parking up to 4 hours with the Westfield Plus App available for free download.

There is time-limited, metered street parking in the surrounding streets.

If parking at Eastgate, on leaving the car park, walk through the shopping centre and exit onto Spring Street. Turn right and walk towards the Westfield Shopping Centre. Turn left onto Bronte Road, right onto Oxford Road and right onto Waverley Street; this becomes a pedestrian walkway. The entrance to 3 Waverley Street is at the top of the walkway near the exit of the Westfield Shopping Centre. There is a pathology lab on the bottom floor (6 Mins Walk). Alternatively exit Eastgate Shopping Centre onto Spring Street and walk right towards the Westfield Shopping Centre. Enter Westfield Shopping Centre at street level and walk towards and around the escalators. Enter Myer, Level 2, (Level 3, Westfield) at women’s’ perfume, bags and underwear, and walk diagonally across the store to the left. You will find a set of stairs and an exit which will take you directly to Waverley Street in shopping hours (4 Mins walk). The entrance to 3 Waverley Street will be on your right.

For Westfield Shopping Centre, take the lift from the car park directly to Myer store, and exit the lift on Level 2, Myer. Turn left out of the lift and follow the directions above to the Myer exit. Alternatively exit the car park on any level and find your way to Level 3 of the Westfield Shopping Centre. You can either follow the directions above to exit through Myer, or exit Westfield on Oxford street, and follow the directions above to Waverley Street.

The nearest train/bus station is Bondi Junction station (approx. 5-7 Mins walk).

What to do after hours

During office hours (9am-5pm, Weekdays), you can reach the rooms at the number/email address provided. However, it is important to know that as a private, outpatient practice, everyBody Psychology & Wellbeing is not able to provide crisis services.

In the event of an after hours emergency (outside the hours above or over Weekends or holiday periods), please don’t hesitate to: 

  • Consult your local GP if possible
  • Contact LifeLine on 13 11 14 or
  • Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467
  • Dial 000 for Emergency Services
  • Dial the Mental Health Line on 1800 011 511
  • Present to the Emergency Department at your nearest public hospital
  • Sydney Children’s Hospital: (02) 9382 1111
  • Prince of Wales Hospital: (02) 9382 2222
  • After Hours Crisis Team: 1800 011 511